Education for PM’s moving into Crypto

Sam Polgar
2 min readDec 22, 2021

I’m a full-body immersion learning kind of guy. It’s the fastest way I know how I can learn a subject matter deeply.

For Crypto, I’ve found that involves jumping into many learning opportunities which will help you understand where you are most interested in…

Try not to be sceptical or cynical of projects you may not understand straight away. If I ask myself, what use-cases can I see from this and what benefits would it have over similar services.


Reading & writing: blogs, guides, Reddit, Twitter, Telegram, Discord

Taking part:

  1. buying coins on an exchange
  2. sending coins to a non-custodial wallet like Meta Mask
  3. participating in DeFi — taking a loan, paying it back, yield farming
  4. participating in Metaverse — join a game and play
  5. join a DAO, participate in
  6. buying NFT’s, ENS domains
  7. join a DAO, participate in voting and if possible, a community role to learn how the community influences projects success

Building: Buildspace tutorials have been a great way for me to build and learn the basics

Valuable Reading




There’s just a few below, you’ll find almost every crypto project/crypto member on twitter.




